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Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Map Paper Cut Out, "The Streets I Walk".

An old map of Stafford, my home town. This is one of two in the Paper Cut Out series, the other is a map of Warwick and Leamington Spa where my brother went to University.....hopefully I'll get this one finished by tonight...fingers crossed!

Friday, 12 February 2010

Jill Walker

I thought it was about time I showed you some of the other students work from my course at uni. This is a selection of work made by Jill Walker, I adore everything she makes.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

The Charity shops of Stafford.

In order to develop my Minor Project further, I'm looking into how found objects are displayed in charity shops and flea markets. I took a trip into town with my camera to capture some of the treats stafford holds!

This was my first stop, The Katherine House Hospice shop on the corner of the high street and mill street....this place is amazing!

If I had the £48 pounds this gorgeous Singer Sewing Machine costs I'd have snapped it up there and then......keep dreaming helen!



A fantastic range of books!

Just a small taste of the ceramics.....then I went to the Indoor Market to a great stall...

This guys stall can be a bit hit and miss...before christmas he had a set of ordinance survey maps that were so old and so lovely....again I couldn't afford them as they were £12 each! and now some other person has the joy of them!

I Love the way he's displayed the books and records....after taking a few more photos I headed over to Oxfam at the opposite end of the high street to the Katherine house shop.

Star Wars characters....

More Books...

Records close up...

My favourite boxes......Maps!... and so my tour ends...until my next visit to a nearby flea market in newcastle x

Monday, 8 February 2010

Minor Project work.

Here's a taste of the work I've made for my Minor Project at Uni....Click on the Photo link to see more on Flickr.